Monday, November 28, 2011

Giving Thanks and Thanksgiving

Ok so here's the scoop. The church in Ogden ended up going very well. God really showed me that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Sure, the church in general seemed a bit shallow from the get go, but at the end I could really see God moving in people's lives. It was awesome! But it did worry me at first. On the very first testimony night, Steve asked if any one wanted to share. Usually a few trickle before a stream of people come. But this time something very rare happened that hasn't happened in Life Action for a long time. No one came up. So we broke early and everyone went home. At first this concerned me greatly. But I was reminded that it's not Life Action being in a church that makes any difference, it's Christ in His love and Mercy that works in peoples lives. We heard quite a few stories of how shocked some in the congregation didn't speak up. God had been moving in peoples lives! The next testimony night, after we fasted as a team, was really cool. A lot of people came up and shared their hearts! One in particular really touched me. There was a girl that had down syndrome or some sort of disability. There were people in line but that didn't stop her. As soon as one lady had finished she ran to the front to give a testimony. Steve gave her the mic. I couldn't make out everything she said, partly because she was crying, but I did hear 4 words very clearly. "Lord", "Strength", and "Thank You". After that she gave Steve a great big hug and walked off back to her seat. This stood out to me because I realized something. Words in a testimony can be compared to the bible story about the woman's mite. Sure you can give a testimony, use really big words, and really make people go "Hmmmm", but I believe God really smiles when He sees someone who can barely produce the words of thanks to Him, but It's all from their heart, it's genuine, it's precious.

After that conference we headed back to the Life Action Camp for a little Rest and Recuperation. We also celebrated Thanksgiving while we were there. A family cooked for us and we ate together and watched the Detroit Lions loose... again. Good times hahaha. After that we played a little football ourselves. It was the older guys verses us younger guys. Who won? Well, bad stuff happens when you take it too easy on older people lets just say that. All I can say is, I hope when I'm in my late 40's, I can make up my own rules too. You may say "Caleb, you're being a bit competitive against you're team aren't you?" Nah it's all good. Nobody really reads these things anyway so I think we're good.

I'm so thankful for what God has done and is doing in my life and the lives of so many others from different Summits. 2011 has been great! Looking back I was able to be Chaplain of my SGO, Worship leader of youth, getting 1st in regionals and 2nd in State vocals, having a dream come true of being a varsity goalie in a championship game and winning, and even being accepted into Life Action! God has done so much for me in this past year. I don't deserve any of it. Who am I Lord? Why do You mind me? Thank you Father. Thank You.

Right now I am in Aledo, IL. We are only here for a week before we head home for Christmas. Basically we are packing 2-3 week into one. It's a bit of a rush but hey, I'll have time to sleep when I get home. I can't wait to see what all God is going to be doing here in this church. I can already see Him doing a lot!

Just a quick note, I probably won't do much on this blog while I'm on Christmas break. My last official post will be after this Summit. I'll probably right it on the car ride home. I will post stuff in my other blog. So go here to visit "The Mind of Caleb". This is just my fun blog where I post random stuff you might like.

Well thank you for reading and keeping updated with me! I really appreciate you guys and your prayers! You're awesome! Well, TTFN!