Friday, March 9, 2012
Spotlights and Cheese
Posted by Caleb-Morton at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Home again Home again!
Posted by Caleb-Morton at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 28, 2011
Giving Thanks and Thanksgiving
Ok so here's the scoop. The church in Ogden ended up going very well. God really showed me that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Sure, the church in general seemed a bit shallow from the get go, but at the end I could really see God moving in people's lives. It was awesome! But it did worry me at first. On the very first testimony night, Steve asked if any one wanted to share. Usually a few trickle before a stream of people come. But this time something very rare happened that hasn't happened in Life Action for a long time. No one came up. So we broke early and everyone went home. At first this concerned me greatly. But I was reminded that it's not Life Action being in a church that makes any difference, it's Christ in His love and Mercy that works in peoples lives. We heard quite a few stories of how shocked some in the congregation didn't speak up. God had been moving in peoples lives! The next testimony night, after we fasted as a team, was really cool. A lot of people came up and shared their hearts! One in particular really touched me. There was a girl that had down syndrome or some sort of disability. There were people in line but that didn't stop her. As soon as one lady had finished she ran to the front to give a testimony. Steve gave her the mic. I couldn't make out everything she said, partly because she was crying, but I did hear 4 words very clearly. "Lord", "Strength", and "Thank You". After that she gave Steve a great big hug and walked off back to her seat. This stood out to me because I realized something. Words in a testimony can be compared to the bible story about the woman's mite. Sure you can give a testimony, use really big words, and really make people go "Hmmmm", but I believe God really smiles when He sees someone who can barely produce the words of thanks to Him, but It's all from their heart, it's genuine, it's precious.
After that conference we headed back to the Life Action Camp for a little Rest and Recuperation. We also celebrated Thanksgiving while we were there. A family cooked for us and we ate together and watched the Detroit Lions loose... again. Good times hahaha. After that we played a little football ourselves. It was the older guys verses us younger guys. Who won? Well, bad stuff happens when you take it too easy on older people lets just say that. All I can say is, I hope when I'm in my late 40's, I can make up my own rules too. You may say "Caleb, you're being a bit competitive against you're team aren't you?" Nah it's all good. Nobody really reads these things anyway so I think we're good.
I'm so thankful for what God has done and is doing in my life and the lives of so many others from different Summits. 2011 has been great! Looking back I was able to be Chaplain of my SGO, Worship leader of youth, getting 1st in regionals and 2nd in State vocals, having a dream come true of being a varsity goalie in a championship game and winning, and even being accepted into Life Action! God has done so much for me in this past year. I don't deserve any of it. Who am I Lord? Why do You mind me? Thank you Father. Thank You.
Right now I am in Aledo, IL. We are only here for a week before we head home for Christmas. Basically we are packing 2-3 week into one. It's a bit of a rush but hey, I'll have time to sleep when I get home. I can't wait to see what all God is going to be doing here in this church. I can already see Him doing a lot!
Just a quick note, I probably won't do much on this blog while I'm on Christmas break. My last official post will be after this Summit. I'll probably right it on the car ride home. I will post stuff in my other blog. So go here to visit "The Mind of Caleb". This is just my fun blog where I post random stuff you might like.
Well thank you for reading and keeping updated with me! I really appreciate you guys and your prayers! You're awesome! Well, TTFN!
Posted by Caleb-Morton at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
New Church and What I Am Learning
Ok, I have more time to formulate my thoughts! Yay! The Church in Senatobia, MS went smoothly. I truly believe that this church will change and not just fade away in an emotional high. I can't wait to be in that area again in 2012 to see how they are doing. We will be about 30 min or so away so they may com up for a visit! I'm very excited!
On our way up to Michigan, we got to stop in Morton again and we got to stay with our host families that we had there. It was such a blessing to stay with them! I can safely say, while all my host families are awesome, Morton just stood out! I loved it.
On the way up to Adrian Michigan, I rode in the Big Rig (Named Oden) with our truck driver Blake. We got some new equipment for this upcoming church. Last time the pastor was apart of a Life Action conference, they were in their legalistic "Suit and tie/always wear a skirt" stages. Our Revivalist wanted to change their mind set. So we picked up a couple TV's to put on stage to make us look even more contemporary.
And man is this church contemporary. It is a newer church, with a pastor has this church as his first head pastoring position. This church either came from or converted from a Catholic background. In a sense I guess I shouldn't be surprised but this church seems very.... shallow. But as I said, I'm not surprised. A lot of this congregation are lost. I started this Summit (or "the pursuit" as we are calling it at this church) I really doubted the potential of a "Major God Movement". Wow, that was the wrong thing to think. As I come further along in my walk with God the more I realize that I have such a legalistic and prideful heart! Why shouldn't God come? What was I expecting? Am I really basing my "hopes for the church" purely based on host homes and atmosphere?... I was. Jesus Himself did not (purely) come to seek the ones that were "doing ok" or the ones with sound doctrine, or even the ones that were "deep". He came to save that lost, the shallow, the sinners. The ones that will be sitting in all of these chairs surrounding me tonight. I've come to a realization that a revival probably won't start in a church that "has it all together". It will probably start in one like this. A church ready and willing to be broken.
God, forgive my for my incompetent view of Your sovereignty, Your power, Your grace, and Your mercy.
Side Notes:
My host family is awesome. They are water skiers through and through. They live on a lake. It would be fun to go out with them on the lake, but maybe when it's not 25 degrees outside. I am staying with 3 other guys (Matt, Trevor, and Justin), It is a big house so we each get our own room! THANK YOU LORD!!!... *cough, I mean, it is a blessing.
A side side note:
This is more for me to look back on and keep track of
(I will get in more depth later)
The most important real life applicable things I've gotten from each Summit
Rocky Mt., NC - Grace
Morton, IL - Faith
Senatobia, MS - Humility (even in serving those you really don't want to serve)
Adrian, Michigan - The importance of the Word and God in every day life
That concludes today's segment, TTFN
Be sure to check out my newest installment - The Mind of Caleb
It's just stuff I though that was neat and that host families have shown me on the internet. It's so I don't loose track of them so I can show other people also
Posted by Caleb-Morton at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Senatobia, Mississippi
This one ma be a bit short because I'm packing and am tired so yah :D
This summit was awesome! I had a great host family! It was a full house but it went over splendidly! I roomed with Josh Caton, Joel Purvis, and myself. We had an awesome time getting to know our host family! We played basketball, super smash bros., went go karting, played board games, etc. It was a lot of fun!!!
As for the church, they were very open from the start. It was quite the opposite from the start of our previous church in Morton when we started out. The church seemed very open and accepting of the message. I believe that God will do great things in this church if they will pick up the rope and tow their share. This is a new church so we were allowed to be a little more relaxed in things like music. We got to be a little more contemporary :).
Welp that was the month of october summed up in a couple paragraphs. This could prove useful for college...
hahaha :D
Welp, ttfn!
Posted by Caleb-Morton at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 31, 2011
My Short Sermon on Bitterness...
Posted by Caleb-Morton at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
"Why Captain America?"
The question was proposed to me, "Caleb, why do you like Captain America so much?"
"Well he doesn't even have super powers."
This is true. But you have to look past the powers and see what makes a hero a hero. It's what they stand for. It's what they believe in. Captain America stands for truth, justice, doing the right thing... he stands for being a hero! People have perverted what is means to be an American. Despite what this country used to be or is currently, Captain America believes that, wether this is or isn't the best country in the world; we can be the best people. I know that sounds a little cheesy but hang with me.
There are "darker" heroes such as Batman, Deadpool, and especially the Punisher. While I'm not downing them at all, they seem to miss the mark as "pure" heroes. You have the Punisher on one hand who would consider killing someone rather than bringing him to justice, but Captain America would do the right thing if it killed him.
"But isn't he vulnerable with nothing but a shield?"
It's because of the fact that he is vulnerable that makes him awesome. You have super heroes like Superman that are impervious to just about everything, but Captain America takes a risk in saving a life. In other "Super Scenarios" the super hero must be thrown into an epic battle with some random, over-powered, super villain in order for the audience to get the sense that the hero is in danger. But on the other hand you have Capt. America. He is vulnerable, only having a shield. But despite being susceptible to things like bullets, gravity, and the occasional explosion, he still puts his life on the line. Just like my heroes in real life. The ones that choose to go into harms way to protect and to serve what we as Americans believe in.
Side note. I love the fact tat he has a shield instead of something like a sword or a hammer. It's a symbol of protection. While it can be used for combat, that is it's main purpose is to defend.
The Bottom Line...
The bottom line is that I am a patriot. Ever since I was a little kid I have been all about "red, white, and blue". Heck, I even picked my favorite NFL team based off of those facts when I was 7. When I think of a hero, Superman, Batman, Spiderman, or even Captain America don't come to mind. I think of the Army, the Navy, the Marines, etc. I think of soldiers! The ones laying down their lives each day to do the things we are too afraid to do. The brave protectors... the everyday super-heros. So yes, I will stop at memorials of those fallen in the line of duty and pay my respects. I will be thankful for them every day. I will look up to our veterans. I will put my hand over my heart and sing the National Anthem as loud as I can because I am proud to be an American. No matter how hard the world will try to make me ashamed, no matter how many times they attack, no matter how many times they try to tell me otherwise... I am proud to be an American and to live in a country where people die to protect these beliefs. So why is Captain America so special to me?
Because he's the hero that resembles my heroes!
Posted by Caleb-Morton at 10:59 PM 0 comments