Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Home again Home again!

Alright everyone, time for my final entry of 2011 (maybe… probably… we’ll see). I can’t believe that it’s already Christmas break! This has gone by so quickly! We are currently traveling back from Aledo, IL back to the Life Action Camp. This has been a great and busy fall. I can’t wait to see what God has in store in 2012! Aledo was great. Our host family was great! I stayed with Mac (the Youth Leader) this time and we had a great time! The Church was just right in the middle of a church building project. At this time of tension, this was an opportune time for God to use Life Action in this church. Even though this one only lasted about a week, I believe God did a lot of work in the hearts of the people there. Testimony night was good. People actually shared! Hahahaha! (If you didn’t read my last entry, at the previous church, on the first night of testimonies, nobody came up to share.) My host mom even came up and shared what was on her heart! It was very encouraging. So far I have had awesome host parents, but they can’t really measure up to my next host family, mine. I am very excited to see my family and breathe in that Bristol air.

Life Action for me is a very interesting experience. With God dealing with me and learning how to be humble to people who I don’t really feel the best toward is very… good. With all of this, I can feel God growing me. Being in Life Action is like a kick in the pants and a bear hug all at the same time. I’m learning to step out of the picture and letting God be the model. Letting God take the show and living at the edge of the spotlight. Living at His feet isn’t always going to pleasant. Sometimes you are still but there are other time that you are kicked and bruised, but God uses all of this to grow you more effectively as a believer. If someone were to ask me what is the biggest thing I’ve learned this year, I would definitely say that this is it.

Previously I posted about what I learned in other churches. I have yet to go into detail on this blog but I assure you, the details will come… defiantly maybe. But I believe in Aledo I realized the importance of Joy in the Christian walk. I believe that Joy is just as effective something such as devotions for a healthy Christian walk. Now I’m not saying that your everyday Bible reading is completely connected to your Joy but I do believe that it goes hand in hand to some degree. If you don’t agree with me, we can talk later. Forgive me if I smile under your criticism, but that’s just because I’m thrilled at the fact that someone read my blog. We need to find Joy in the Lord as well as being in the church. As a church member said on testimony night, “There’s nothing worse than an unhappy (or grumpy) Christian.” I believe that completely. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they go through hardship. Jesus didn’t call us to be happy when things are lit up and the sky is clear. Jesus calls us to pick up and carry your cross. He calls us to rejoice in the suffering. There is no better way to be salt and light in this world than to rejoice in your times of great hardship. People are watching us constantly, especially in those trough periods. Be salt, Be light, Be joyful.

My prayer is that I will be more in love with Jesus when I come back than when I left for break.

1 Peter 5:6 – Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.

Well friends, it’s Christmas time. Go spend time with you family and remember the reason for the season. I will see you in 2012!