Saturday, June 18, 2011

Life Action 2011 (coming soon)

Wow, this year with Life Action can't come soon enough! I am so excited to see what all God has in store for me this year. This year will be so defining in my life. This year will determine if I am "cut out" to be a Worship Leader. Either way, I am amped!!!

It is so amazing to see God's Hand in all of this. As my money slowley comes in for support, it is amazing to see how many people are giving. Don't get me wrong, I had no doubt that the money would come in, but even people that we have not sent letters to are even sending cards and money. In a family where your father is a pastor or a missionary, you get to see God work in great and mighty ways...alot! But it is awesome when God does things for you. To me, it was one of God's many ways of saying, "Caleb, I look out for your family, and I look out for you too".

As I am writing this, it is raining. And while I am observing the rain, Grace Like Rain by Todd Agnew is playing... Times like these you just kinda grin to yourself. The God everything, the God who made the rain, looks out for even a stupid lamb like me.

"Halleluja, Grace like rain, Falls down on me..."

To whom it may concern, which is anybody but to the ones reading this right now, we have an awesome God! You can't tell me that all of this happened by accident. Our God is an awesome God! Cling the Shephered! We are just sheep. Though there may be falls and failures along the way that will snag us, Blessed be Your Name!

Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to parise. When the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say, Blessed be Your name!